Sunday, January 1, 2012

..Off we go into the New Year...

..."full" speed ahead.

Well, perhaps a conservative Full Speed ahead.

Happy New Year & PF 2012

PF wishes from two good friends....

2012 - Happy New Year !

Twenty Twelve. Phew, another year. New resolutions. New Hopes. New Dreams.
and a 8th September in Prague; well I will hope that will be true.

What an interesting year 2011 was. Lived in Prague for the first 2.5 months of that year; returned to US in mid-March; close to children, family and friends here once again; Found an apartment; Secured a position; then returned to Prague for 3 weeks in September to see many friends; "Did" Thanksgiving at my "home" and cooked a 20 lb turkey; Great Holidays, a Merry Christmas, and Low Key New Year's Eve... onto and into the New Year. Na zdraví !

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve....

I decided to splurge and bought some Shrimp and made myself huge Shrimp Cocktail(15 of them), a crisp fresh Caesar salad and opened a bottle of 2009 Vidal Blanc Ice Wine from the finger lakes. Really excellent.

I am sure my friends in Luxembourg plaza will notice that the Ice wine I am enjoying this evening, is the same that we enjoyed over lunch while I was in Prague in September.... ;-) It was a fun lunch.

and this wine is delicious. I will bring another bottle with me next September... and the next year starts very soon indeed...4 hours and 45 minutes from now.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all my friends.

and the new years started a little over an hour ago for my friends in Prague...
St'astny novy rok!

and Eva... notice the card.. I only just rec'd it this afternoon; 31 Dec. ;-)
Dekuju moc..