Wednesday, April 6, 2011

American Television - Constant Commercials

American Television drives me Crazy. So crazy in fact that I have not been able to watch a single program through its entirety since I have been home and have vowed NOT to buy cable TV programming once I move into my new apartment.

Although I am not fluent in Czech, I enjoyed Czech television because there were relatively few Commercials during a TV program. Perhaps one or two. During the Whole program! At least visually, it was enjoyable, without being interrupted every few minutes.

Last night I deliberately kept track of the number of Commercials on TV in a 30 minute period and how long I was actually viewing the actual program.
Ready? What you are about to ready really is quite pitiful:

During this particular program, the Program would break for a Commercial advertisement about every 5 minutes for 3 to 4 minutes of Commercials. AND during these 3 to 4 minutes, I counted anywhere between a low of 6 separate commercials and a high of...
8 separate commercials!!

I hate American TV. Why Americans put up with this crap is beyond me, except that there is nothing we can do about it, other than turn off the TV and not watch it in protest. So I have done just that.

American TV stations have not yet figured out why they are losing their audiences to the internet. Their greed to get more and more money from advertisers will eventually be the demise of American Television.

Anyway, While living in Prague, I didn't watch TV much. I got into a much better habit. I mostly read books...and rarely watched Television, since I was rarely in my Flat. ;-)

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