Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dobry Den & Na shledanou in CZ vs. in US

I always loved how every time a Czech enters a room, a store, an elevator, they all say: Hello (Dobry den), even when they do not know a single person in that space. ...and upon their departure they always say: goodbye (na shledanou). So in Prague, it was always 'Dobry den' upon entry and 'na shledanou' when they left.. AND everyone in the elevator would each say dobry den upon that persons entry and each would say goodbye as the person exited the elevator as well. Everyone! How cool is that.

and of course after 2 years and many months living there, I did the same.

However, In the US... well, even though we are known for being friendly, it does not happen like that and when it does, it is not all the time. For instance, getting on the elevator... For the most part: Silence. No one says anything unless they know you.

Interesting comparison. Big Differences.

Been back here for four weeks, as of today; ach. Tak, Na shledanou.

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